Cheat Ninja Saga 1 HIT K.O With Cheat Engine 16 Oktober 2011

Hello I'm gonna share this hack and still working . Please do not call me a leecher because I just share this hack and I don't know who's make this hack so I just give credits to Elitepvpers . For newbie C.E is Cheat Engine .

Step 1 : Go to your Ninja Saga [Use Chrome or Firefox]
Step 2 : Open C.E and scan your gold and there will be 1 address .
Step 3 : Take that address [You might probably get something like this 03D93F58]
Step 4 : Now change the last 2 digits of address to 95 [Like this 03D93F95]
Step 5 : Now change the value to 99999 and go play .

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